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Image description: Subrena sits down, leaning on at a table with her right elbow, whilst smiling. She is wearing a white t-shirt with the STUBs logo. 

STUB's Disability Life Coaching and Mentoring sessions can be accessed via group workshops or one-to-one sessions, providing individuals with support to facilitate the many transitions associated with disability.


Individuals are also supported to develop coping strategies required in areas of education, employment, relationships, and disability subject matters.

Wheelchair users

Image description: Subrena sits around a table participating in a workshop with 8 other people. One of them is a wheelchair user.

We aim to create a platform to encourage, educate, empower, and provide mutual support for individuals with disabilities and those made disabled, via internal or external stimuli.


Sessions are founded on humanist principles of psychology. Heavily influenced by strength-based perspectives and psychological theories, as well as perspectives pertaining to transition theories and approaches.


We encourage self-reflection via interactive exercises, discussions, and aspects of talking therapy.


Negotiable rates are available for 1-1, group, and block bookings.

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